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Why don't we pray to Heavenly Mother?

As an individual who has been blessed to grow up with both a mother and a father in my home, I've learned that each of my parents has a unique set of talents and strengths. There are times when I seek out the advice of my dad. There are other times when I only want to be comforted by my mom. Sometimes I need my father's calming spirit. Other times I need my mother's wisdom. But most of the time, I need them both because they complement each other and lead our family as equal partners. Over the years I've developed a wonderful and close relationship with my Father in Heaven, but a part of me has always continued searching for my Mother in Heaven, because my spirit tells me that I need Her too. It's like my heart yearns for Her, misses Her, and wants to feel as close to Her as I do to my God. As I worked to learn more about Her, part of me wrestled with the concept of prayer because I couldn't understand why we didn't pray to Her too. If She is truly our ...

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